"We always learn our mystery at the price of our innocence (not yet wounded) " Richard Rohr.
Recognizing the Residue of Rising, what's that? Well I don't have an answer! I have a story, an experience to which you may relate . There a few times in my life where I was hit by a bolt of lightning (not literally) of "knowing". When I heard WIBB play Bach in 1990, Lorna playing in a Masterclass in Calgary, Heather's CPO Pilates classes, when I first met Wayne on Pender and we started in immediately with Kung Flute! Performing Bruckner 4 with Yannick Seguin conducting.
It was a recognition, not only of another kindred spirit, but also of a direction - follow that - that's it! Pender Island Flute Retreat, MWL, Flow research, wild women circles, spiritual practices, and radical acceptance came from that warm lightning. Hot lightning? that came too, as there isn't rising unless there is a fall, and boy have I had a few !
It is also a recognition that there has been the necessary suffering and rising in the other as well. There is a known and unknowable residue in that rising.
Beyond Third Dimension - sounds pretty woo woo and maybe I need to find another descriptor, maybe not.Third dimension is our physical, mental, emotional self - we're aware and have a relationship with our thoughts, feelings and senses...They are valued signals, but not absolute truth. 4th dimension - a relationship to our soul! our psyche. Brain can't figure this out anymore. 5th - with spirit. This is where is gets really interesting (for me). 6th - tone, colour. 7th - purity of tone, colour, creativity. 8th - group soul, collective consciousness. etc etc.
I love finding sources for my experiences. Love that definition of mystic as well - what is Known yet not "understood". Love it when science proves wisdom traditions. Love it when I don't need the proof.
According to Wikipedia, a "mastermind group is a peer-to-peer mentoring group used to help members solve their problems with input and advice from the other group members." The power dynamics are equitable. There is a commonality of education, expertise, and a willingness to experiment.
Some definitions include words like success, achievements etc.
For this group, we know that "success and achievements" and "problem solving" are outcome based focused. We're all about leading from the inside out.
Values/Expectations within container of "Mastery & Work in Progress at the same time!":
We trust our intuition most of the time, have experience with Flow, and have done "the work" around our emotional responses. We know that they are our faithful messengers - not harbingers of absolute truth, but they have something valuable to say, and we know, from experience, that if we don't listen, they get pretty big and fiery! Our thoughts and ego operating system don't call the shots. We have a mindfulness, meditative practice.
We are aware of our habits, our thoughts, feelings and senses, most of the time...our back story, our (constantly upgraded) system of beliefs, our privilege and bias - and we challenge those courageously. We apologize and make amends when we miss the mark, which we will again and again. We have a support system into which we lean when in struggle, stress and suffering. We hold the peace process of paradox lightly while radically accepting what is.
We are also attuned to the Inner Voice of our individual and collective soul, with the heart infused perception of spirit, and a relationship with the Beloved.
It reads like an on line dating profile! I invite you to join me. What we talk about, share, experience will unfold. You know we will laugh, you know we'll be changed by this time together - we don't know how. We surrender and dance!